Continuing to collaborate with CRAB
Sharing the continuing work following on from our Reverberations project in Coxside
Following on from Reverberations Take A Part have continued to collaborate with members of the Coxside Community to develop a range of creative projects in response to the ambition of the area at Teats Hill.
Through this work we have shared our Arts Action group model of working and supported Coxside to create CRAB, Coxside Residents Art Board, who have their own constitution and bank account. Take A Part are supporting Coxside to develop creative projects, write artists briefs and raise funds to make things happen in the area.
Projects so far have included development of community press Coxside Echoes, Seed packs, community fun days, collaboration with the Cultural Investment Fund in the city, a Window Wonderland project and a greenspace and Wildflower commission.
As our collaboration with CRAB continues we are supporting them in expanding their reach and connecting more with the East End Development Trust and via new programme Happier Blue Spaces, which involves partnership with the Ocean Conservation Trust and Plymouth's new Marine Park.