Support Us

Take A Part works with underserved communities who don’t usually engage with the arts. We believe in the power of the arts to change lives.
At Take A Part, we deliver socially engaged arts projects. Our long-term approach listens to and supports communities to set their own agendas.
We help communities to deliver something exceptional. We help people develop new skills. We listen. We plan, shape, collaborate and build. We use our expertise to support creative approaches to solving community problems.
Over the last few years Take A Part has worked with schools, geographic communities across Plymouth and beyond, and strategic partners to build projects which genuinely make a difference.
We need your help
Our approach is long-term, and we can show you how much benefit this long-term approach brings. We work with people and communities for years to build genuine, embedded change. We are not interested in short term projects which end after a few months or a year, which drop people and networks and lose their impact as soon as the project ends.
But our long-term approach doesn’t fit well with many short-term funders and political (and often changing) strategic initiatives. Take A Part works hard to sit outside of this, delivering the long-term, embedded transformational work we do best.
Different people can support us in different ways - by participating, advocating, making community connections. But our work depends on funding and if you can help with a direct donation this will have an impact on what we deliver.
You can help deliver change too.
Our current projects need your help and support.

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Your support means so much to us and to the people we work with!
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