Models for Creative Learning
A partnership project led by High View School and supported by Take A Part celebrating, testing and exploring creative models of working within the school and community. Via our work with High View Take A Part have become experts in Creative Learning and would love to help YOUR school to embed creativity and community building. If this interests you, get in touch!

In collaboration with Take A Part, in 2019 High View embarked on an Arts Council funded project supporting other schools in Plymouth to develop the ability to create exciting and memorable learning opportunities through the arts, in a way that adds value across the curriculum and contributes to improvements in attainment and progress.
The Background:
High View School believes in excellent teaching and excellent creativity without compromise on outcomes. They believe talent is in everyone and when they started their RIO Creative Partnerships Programme in 2005 they took a different approach, using the resource to target vulnerable children and their hard to reach parents to share opportunity.
In 2006, High View started their long-term partnership with Take A Part and since then High View has worked on many successful, long term, curriculum embedded creative projects with Take A Part and independently.
Sharing and delivering Models for Creative Learning:
Looking at the models for Creative Learning developed between High View School and Take A Part we actively supported two partner schools to take a lead in embedding creativity in their curriculum; sharing their learning with their staff, children, families and communities- creating a networks, forming new relationships, growing advocacy and making links into schools for artists, venues and community partners.
The project ran for 18 months (interrupted by the Covid 19 pandemic) delivering an artist and teacher in residence programme at High View School which enabled partner schools to observe and actively learn from their approaches to Creative Learning. As it was interrupted by Covid 19 aspects of the programme were altered and delivered as a pilot.
The programme consisted of exploring the models and methodologies High View and Take A Part have developed to establish and grow an arts ecology which is long term and more embedded, leading to High View to being the first school to offer specialist support in teacher training around Creative Education. Partner schools were supported to develop the understanding and skills to help better embedded creativity in their schools as legacy of the programme.
Models For Creative Learning allowed High View and Take A Part to share our knowledge and expertise with others, while inviting into
schools artists, experts and teachers from other areas with an interest, specialisation or ambition around creative education; creating a climate of exploration and discovery and sharing learning in a peer-to-peer manner, that can be directly applied in school settings.
Alongside artists in residence programmes in each partner school High View also experimented with its approach to working with artists delivering across three new projects each with different ages, group sizes and lengths of time for the delivery. The learning from these projects enabled High View to reflect on, develop and hone how they themselves best work with artists.
As a National Lead Educator and National Teaching School, High View are able to platform discussions and lead conversation at a national level about the future of arts and culture in the curriculum and the wider role it has in terms of students' lives and communities.
This work positioned High View and Take A Part as National Leaders in Creative Learning approaches; an exemplar of how schools can
achieve excellent educational attainment whilst employing and retaining a creative approach to learning. It also puts us in a unique place to advocate to Ofsted and DfE about the impact and role that widening the ways in which we teach can have on our country.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic the programme has had to be both incredibly flexible and responsive but continued to be delivered utilising different approaches both digital and in person. A symposium and webinar was held in spring 2022 as the culmination of, and reflection upon, the programme. This share back saw us taking both a National and more local view of our learning and that of Room 13 (Hareclive, Bristol), Gentle Radical and With Flying Colours. A manifesto for Creative Education and support for young people was created and a Plymouth approach was modelled too.
Take A Part and High View are continuing to explore this sharing across partner schools and are currently delivering Travelling Museum of Communities alongside our partner schools and are also supporting the delivery of family arts group model Crazy Glue with each of the partner schools too.