Plain Speaking Tours 2022
Bringing back our flagship Plain Speaking Tours for British Art Show 9; Touring the British Art Show 9 venues and art works with community members from our 4 family based art groups

Our Plain Speaking Tours came back for autumn/winter 2022. Plymouth were invited to join community members from Coxside, Efford, St Judes and Whitleigh as they lead tours exploring British Art Show 9 (BAS9) in venues in Plymouth.
The Plain Speaking Tour community leaders were trained by artist educators around the themes, narratives and artists involved in BAS9. The Plain Speaking Tours model aims to create tours that are designed for other community members to attend, breaking down the barrier of stepping through the door of venues. The tours are designed to be informal and fun with the approach that any opinion or thought is valid and welcome for discussion. There is an aim to create a sense of ownership of the tours and advocacy for the artwork being shown.
During the BAS9 tours looked at and discussed the work across the 4 venues together, no art speak or specialist skills were required and all thoughts welcomed, the tours were free and open to all.