Green Orchestra
Green Orchestra was our exciting musically inspired project in response to the Philharmonia Orchestra’s iOrchestra project.
Taking place over May/June 2015, the project worked with a range of sound artists and the Philharmonia Orchestra to explore sounds and noises created via natural objects, vegetables and fruit. The project aims to explore sound in a new way and highlight healthy eating and cooking processes at the same time.
Working with people from in and around Plymouth, the Green Orchestra spent a week working with sound artists and musical experts to explore sounds created by vegetables and natural objects producing a plethora of new and unusual soundscapes. The group worked with Neil Rose, The Oddstep Deployment Unit, Rachel Dobbs and Ryan Curtis to experiment with sampling and voice work, capturing one-off sounds, makey-makey technology, drilling carrots, playing onions and building a diverse range of instruments for our orchestra.
At the same time each day, the group cooked up a vegetable inspired recipe connected to the sound being made and instruments being used. Food included noisy pop-corn, song lyric filled fortune cookies, carrot and butternut soup, halva and coconut macaroons.The findings of the sound experiments resulted in the creation of 2 new pieces of work created by the participants in collaboration with the sound artists.
The following week members of the Philharmonia Orchestra came to work with the group and create a piece in response to the other 2 pieces, and to the sounds that had been created. Players from the Philharmonia even got involved in playing vegetables for one of the pieces.
The 3 pieces created were performed against the backdrop of our beautiful Shed On Wheels at Lord Mayor’s day in the City Centre on june 6th. Audience members were treated to snacks and recipes created by vegetables used during the making weeks and were encouraged to have a go at the instruments themselves after the performance was finished.
This project was made possible thanks to funding from Awards for All and the collaboration between Take A Part and the Philharmonia Orchestra.

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