Efford Heritage Sign
We worked with the Efford community to redesign the Efford pub sign, celebrating the Efford's heritage.
We were really pleased to be awarded funding from the Heritage Lottery to work on a project taking us back to our original community of Efford. We were awarded the funding to reinstall and redesign the Efford Pub Sign which used to sit at the site of the old Royal Marine pub in Efford.
As a community hub, the pub was a place where people in the community often gathered and - despite the pub being deconstructed in the 1990’s - the sign remained as something of a community symbol.
Take A Part worked with artist Thomas Goddard and very closely with local school High View to create an exciting art project which celebrated the heritage and history of the community, captured oral and visual histories and eventually saw the sign reinstalled at the end of Torridge Way in the heart of the community. A group of core arts ambassadors from the school helped to lead the program of activity and created a film in response to the work. You can see the film by clicking this link

Alongside Thomas, the children at school interviewed local residents and people who work within Efford. They heard many different stories and memories connected to the Royal Marine and with Efford more broadly. Using these interviews the children created their own reports on their findings and shared them back via a heritage program called ‘EHTV’ (Efford Heritage 10 View). Via their EHTV programme they have reported back many facts and stories and created a range of home made props and costume which they performed on green screen for the filming.
The project culminated with the ‘Efford Mash’ which celebrated the project, the launch of the new sign and all things Efford. There were performances by a local ukelele band, choir, stalls and games from the time bank, singing from a singing group - including a special song written by the art ambassadors and an opportunity to see the EHTV film and other artwork created by the young people.
Art ambassador Ellis said this prior to the event:
We were really excited to be work back where Take A Part started and to see the final 4 designs for the heritage sign, which will be changed seasonally and connect to aspects of the history of the community. The final event was well attended with many people pleased to see the sign back up in Efford.

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